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  • Empowering Faith,
    Enriching Community
    At Buhangin Center SDA Church, Every Heart Finds a Home
  • You Can Make A Difference
    "Rebuild, Restore, Rejoice: Join Us in Reviving Our Spiritual Home"
  • Small Efforts Make a Big Change
    Join Hands in 'Dapit sa Pagsimba' - Transforming Our Church, One Step at a Time
  • "Become a Pillar of Change:
    Volunteer with DSP"
    "Lend Your Hands, Share Your Heart – Every Effort Helps Us Rebuild Together"

Welcome to Buhangin Center Seventh-day Adventist Church

Nurturing Faith, Uniting in Hope

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the Buhangin Center Seventh-day Adventist Church,

a community united in faith and inspired by the hope of creating a better world. Our church, set in the heart of our lively community, is not just a place of worship but a beacon of spiritual guidance and fellowship.

Ellen G. White, in her pivotal work "The Great Controversy," writes, " It is the first and highest duty of every rational being to learn from the Scriptures what is truth,.... Read more


Our Foundation:

Your support goes directly towards the structural and aesthetic enhancements of our church, ensuring it remains a safe and welcoming place for all.

Your support goes directly towards the structural and aesthetic enhancements of our church, ensuring it remains a safe and welcoming place for all.


a Legacy:

By participating in the “Dapit sa Pagsimba” project, you’re not just repairing a building; you’re helping to preserve a place of worship and community for future generations.

By participating in the “Dapit sa Pagsimba” project, you’re not just repairing a building; you’re helping to preserve a place of worship and community for future generations.


Community Spirit:

This project is a testament to what we can achieve together as a community. It’s a celebration of unity, collaboration, and shared faith.

This project is a testament to what we can achieve together as a community. It’s a celebration of unity, collaboration, and shared faith.


we can make a lasting difference.

Donate now and be a part of this beautiful transformation.

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You Can Make a Difference: Rebuild, Restore, Rejoice

How To Help?

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Save The Earth

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Latest Campaigns

Small Efforts Make a Big Change

Current $50.00
Target $200.00

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small gifts big impact

expired Days to go - 25% Funded
Current $0.00
Target $100.00
expired Days to go - 0% Funded
Current $0.00
Target $100.00
expired Days to go - 0% Funded
Current $10.00
Target $40.00
expired Days to go - 25% Funded

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Meet Our Volunteers

Lend Your Hands, Share Your Heart – Every Effort Helps Us Rebuild Together

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